As Emma meets her Asian Sisters and or brothers, each one will be added to her photo. These are children she's met sense coming home.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Meeting Isabella

My friend Ileanna and I talked this morning and she wanted to invite us to her house for dinner tonight. She was having a little party for her son Anthony who just graduated from college. When we got there, I thought Ily was out with Isabella but she was sleeping. First photo of the girls standing next to each other.
Some what of a smile. She's not sure about Emma, why is this girl in my house?
Isabella, is like Emma in some ways - she loves man. So, Ily and I watched her grab Todd's arm and pull him over to where she was playing. She wanted him to play with her.
Finally she's getting close to Emma.
And Emma is loving her Uncle Herbie.
I will say that Isabella gave both Todd and I a kiss good-bye, but wouldn't gave Emma or Sam one. I forgot to mention that Emma is 2 months older then Isabella, but Izzie is taller then Emma and has all her teeth expect for her molers.

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