As Emma meets her Asian Sisters and or brothers, each one will be added to her photo. These are children she's met sense coming home.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Emma, Ben and Jazzy

Emma really is enjoying herself at Church more and more. And she really likes Ben and Jazzy. They were both adopted too and Ben came home 3 months before Emma in Dec 2011 and Emma came home in March of 2012
He's a special needs little boy and will be 4 on Feb 1st. They both share a Feb birthday. Ben has a bone disorder problem, not sure what they call it. But I will say he's the smartest little thing and so flipping handsome. Most adorable little Asian boy I have ever seen.
Emma with Ben's Daddy, she knows a good daddy when she see's one. He is such a sweet, loving, caring guy.


  1. Ben is a little cutie!
    (I'm still kicked out of your other blog. Keeps telling me I'm not invited).
    Got your e-mail about Sam. I'm glad it turned out to be nothing. Sorry, I haven't been able to write you back yet, because we were out of town all weekend and today I'm back to work.

  2. I don't understand it, blogger does it's own thing. I for the life of me can't figure out when i'm typing a new paragraph - why I won't skip a line.
