As Emma meets her Asian Sisters and or brothers, each one will be added to her photo. These are children she's met sense coming home.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Exchanging gifts with Isabella

Would you look at these two! They are simply stinking adorable together. I completely believe that Emma and Isabella would be closer then Emma and Nicole. Bella lives so much closer and this is the 2nd time the girls have met each other. Isabella seems to be doing much better, in playing with Emma and even sharing her stuff.
Look at them holding hands, is that not cute or what? I'm so in heaven with the little girls who are now in our lives, and very happy for Emma to have them.


  1. Hello Sherri,
    Okay...I have officially earned the title of stalker. I have been checking your other blog to see if you have gone public again but you haven't Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon another one of your blogs. I know this blog is just for Emma to remember all of her asian brother and sisters that she has met. I just couldn't help checking out what you have been up to and to see how Emma is doing.
    Take Care,
    Pam from Canada (cleveroriole)

  2. Hey Pam, how funny for you to come across this, because I thought for sure it was set to private. Send me your email address and I will be happy to send you a request for her blog.


  3. Hi Sherri,
    My email is

    I'll tell you how I found this blog. It was through the other Emma's blog. You had commented on her blog and I noticed the picture of your Emma. I clicked on that and it brought me to your profile page with a list of some of your blogs.
    I think if you hide your profile that will solve the problem. I did that for my blog because I have a blog for my students and parents to follow and I did not want them to be able to access my adoption blog.

  4. Look at Emma! She's grown so much. I'm sure you are getting ready for her birthday.
    Take care~best wishes!

    1. Yes we sure are, as a matter of fact I just got back from Publix talking about getting her cake ready. Her birthday falls on Chinese New Year Michaela...Would be nice if you guys came? So far I have 6 little Asian girls coming.

  5. Thank you for the invite, but we'll be in Gainesville from 02/08-02/10 for a soccer tournament. I accepted your invite to your other blog, but I'm not able to see it :-(. How was your first Christmas with Emma? Did she enjoy it?
